
Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Magnolia (18'' x 24'')

My last apartment in Uptown had magnolia trees all around it and they really inspired this painting.

Waterlilies (18'' x 24'')

I loved doing this painting so much, I want to do a larger version.

Village on a Hillside (8'' x 10'')

This is a view of a village in Italy. I wish we had cypress trees in Texas!

Poppies (36'' x 36'')

Tuscan Afternoon (18'' x 20'')

I painted this one afternoon when I was reminiscing the time I spent in Chianti and Florence, Italy.

Orange Juicer (24'' x 24'')

Morning Coffee (18'' x 24'')

I painted this one shortly after college graduation.

Blue Chairs (48'' x 48'')

This painting was a challenge. It was the largest oil painting I had done up to this point and was reworked a couple of times. I love the outcome, and I enjoy it everytime I visit my mother's house (she refuses to part with it).

Peppers (36'' x 36'')

Still Life (20'' x 24'')

This was a fun little Cezanne inspired still life.

Peaches (36'' x 36'')

This is one of my favorite paintings I have ever done. I really enjoyed painting it, I felt like it flowed out of me and never felt overworked.

Lemons and Limes (17'' x 11'')

I did this lithograph along the same time is was doing fruit oil paintings.

Two Apples (24'' x 24'')

This painting came very naturally after doing the small fruit studies. I wanted to use only true primary and secondary colors. For me the two overlapping apples are like two souls who are different but some how linked to one another.

Fruit Studies (12'' x 12'' each)

These studies were done consecutively and I really focused on using vibrant colors and heavy texture of the paint.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Still Life (24'' x 36'')

This is one of the first still life oil paintings I did. I painted it in an impressionistic style that was a great learning experience.